Pitching to International Clients
Pitching to International Clients is directly related to anyone working within their company on business development and aiming to win new business. The course focusses on delivering effective pitches to international clients that work across cultural barriers.
The course is designed in collaboration with you to develop effective pitching skills leading to successful business growth. It will build self-confidence in presenting and selling to clients from different cultural backgrounds by providing tools to successfully pitch internationally.
•Understand the key processes in pitching and adapt them to meet the expectations of decision
•makers from different cultural backgrounds
•Know how to deliver effective, client focused pitches
•Sharpen active listening skills
•Improve analytical skills by observing live pitches
•Learn to assess body language, eye contact and use of voice and adapt it to different cultural circumstances
•Experience life ’on the other side’ from the decision makers point of view
•Handle question and answer sessions effectively